My first foray into the world of Projection Mapping; working with the fine folk of Rosie Lee. Nike's Be London's Fastest campaign was held at the Tate Modern; sadly I couldn't make the event but thankfully it was broadcast extensively on SnapChat. This was one of the three videos I crafted in only 5 days; apparently the projection mapping company hadn't heard of anyone turning around the animations so fast! All crafted in After Effects, of course.
Nike London's Fastest - Tate Modern Projection Mapping
My first foray into the world of Projection Mapping; working with the fine folk of Rosie Lee. Nike's Be London's Fastest campaign was held at the Tate Modern; sadly I couldn't make the event but thankfully it was broadcast extensively on SnapChat. This was one of the three videos I crafted in only 5 days; apparently the projection mapping company hadn't heard of anyone turning around the animations so fast! All crafted in After Effects, of course.