Dear OMHS Members
In order to meet our costs over the coming year I regret it is necessary to increase the membership subscription.

From the 1st of April 2023 an individual subscription is now £16, £30 for a couple.
Payment by BACS is preferred:
Barclays Bank - OMHS - Sort Code 20-29-86 - Account no. 00097055 (please quote your surname and initials as the reference)  
Cheques made payable to OMHS, post to OMHS Treasurer, 36 Millbank Avenue, Ongar CM5 9HL.   
Many thanks for your support.   

Chris Prince  OMHS - Chairperson
Ongar Millennium History Society has a varied programme with a mixture of talks, discussions, exhibitions and visits.

At our Annual Marion Slade Memorial Lecture we have been able to attract nationally recognised speakers such as Jon Stokes from the National Tree Council and Jim Boutwood from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings along with local speakers discussing research on the history of our town. 

More recently we have had lectures from polymath Professor Clive Bloom on the history of rioting in London, The Whitechapel Society on Jack the Ripper and Professor Dilwyn Porter on the first London Olympics.

Why not join us? The annual fee is currently £16 for a single membership or £30 for a couple.
If you are interested in joining, please email
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