Disney XD - Logo Ident - Broadcast 3D Motion Graphics
Luckily the Disney XD logo is powerful enough to break free from its ice cube enclosure… I crafted the cube in Cinema 4D, used Thurasi to slice the cube and dynamics to explode them. I then composited it in After Effects, added more segments to the explosion with Trapcode Particular and RSMB Pro with Motion Vectors.
Disney Channel Brave Promo - Broadcast 2D Motion Graphics
"Adam we need to create some graphics and an end board for the Brave promo... And we have no assets other than these clips from the film..." Using only selected footage from the film, some compositing wizardry, VC Saber and Trapcode Particular, I crafted this end board and other elements of the promo in Adobe After Effects.
Disney Channel - Logo Ident - Broadcast 2D Motion Graphics
MORE SPARKLES! *Cough* ahem, er... Broadcast Ident following on in the style of The Disney Channel and the clip from Star VS The Forces Of Evil that precedes it. Crafted in Adobe After Effects using Trapcode Particular with depth of field and wiggling shape layers.
Disney Channel Promo - Broadcast 2D motion Graphics
An end board I created as part of a promo for The Disney Channel’s ‘Girl Power’ project. Plenty of Trapcode Particular layers here! Each coloured explosion generates an auxiliary set of sparkles. Composited in After Effects.
Disney Channel - The Lodge - Broadcast 3D motion Graphics
One of the selection of broadcast title designs I created on behalf of The Disney Channel for a 10-year celebration promo. Created using Element 3D, Cinema 4D and After Effects (RSMB Pro and VC Optical Flares.