Welcome to the OMHS website
Ongar Millennium History Society was formed from a history project in 2000 to raise public awareness of the history of our ancient market town.
Since then the society has undertaken research, published the well-received book 'Aspects of the History of Ongar' and established a short Town Walk following paving stones markers. We’ve printed booklets, sewn historical altar kneelers for St Martin's Church, archived historical photographs, books, maps and artefacts.
In April 2024 the society opened a small museum inside Budworth Hall, with an illustrated timeline showing a series of key historical events in the town.
We continue to encourage others to use their interests and skills to keep Ongar's history alive for future generations.
We welcome all visitors to the town.
If you are interested in local history, there is a wealth of information available in our newsletters!
Latest News and Up-Coming Events
The museum will be closed until 6th February 2025
Our small museum at Budworth Hall, on the ground floor next to the bar, will be open every Thursday morning 11-1pm
(subject to staffing)

The aims of OMHS
a) to raise public awareness of the history of the historic market town of Chipping Ongar
b) to encourage research into all aspects of the town's history and to collect relevant material for display
c) to produce relevant publications and to organise meetings to further these aims
d) to support other local organisations concerned with the town's heritage
e) to be watchful for threats to the town's heritage and to campaign appropriately to protect them
Historical Sites Map